Fingerlings 2Tone Monkey – Eddie (Seafoam Green with Blue accents) – Interactive Baby Pet – By WowWee

  • Price : £9.50
Colour Name:Blue

Product Description

Meet Eddie - part of the exciting new Fingerlings baby monkey series featuring trendy two-tone imbrue tints. Eddie is a sea foam green monkey with blue accents and soft hair who knows when he is being pet, talked to, and even hung upside down! Fingerlings are adorable baby monkeys that are curious about the world around them—starting with you! These interactive pets love to hang onto your finger, blink their eyes, turn their heads, blow kisses, swing by their tails, and talk in silly monkey babble! They come in a variety of colours - Adopt them all and have even more fun monkeying around!

Safety Warning

Not suitable for children under 3 years old.

See all Product description
  • My name is EDDIE and I’m as cool as a cucumber!
  • Fingerlings love to hang onto your finger and respond to sound, motion, and touch
  • Blow them kisses and they will kiss you back!
  • Hang them upside-down by the tail and watch them monkey around!
  • Pet them to sleep or make a loud noise and watch them get excited!
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